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Location: California

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The final formal evening of this trip is behind us. Well, some will stay uppity until late, but we've doffed the duds and settled in. We will gain back one of the hours stolen from us during the voyage - going to Eastern Time Zone during the night.

Above are shots of some new acquaintances. At top is (r. to l.) wistful Wendy, her son Jared and her father Aubrey. Wendy has been a real and memorable kick throughout. Next is (l. to r.) Marcelino, Angela and Richard. There are two others whose photos didn't turn out at all. I'll try to locate them tomorrow.

At moment we're slipping somewhere between Cuba and Haiti. Of course, everyone's watching for news of weather in Ft. Lauderdale for Tuesday. So far we've heard only sour news.


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