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Location: California

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Into the Night ...

There's perspective in what's taken place in the last 24 hours. Nothing worthy of a photo, but that's not to say happenings aren't noteworthy.

D&D Shuffleboard Tourney 09: Requiring two evenings (approx. 1 hour, 23 minutes total) to complete the first game set, late night shuffleboard has never been more fun. Sea spray and winds did not deter either player. At the end of the first evening, D was out in front, 62-21. Night two saw several setbacks, and D was loosing points rapidly until luck changed. By end of play, D won out, leaving tournament score at 1-0. Of course, D feels undeterred, and was heard warning that things will change around rapidly. We'll let you know.

Today's sea state turned blustery and bumpy. We've passed from Mexican waters into and through El Salvador's Pacific side and now are in Costa Rican water. No one has been on deck since late afternoon, winds picking up sea spray and drenching everything.

We opted to attend a show during the evening that prevented our joining our dining room table mates for dinner. After a show of Frank Sinatra's Best, we wolfed down God Knows What at the Horizon Court buffet. Of course, I've snatched a supply of chocolate-chocolate chip cookies to see me through the night. For now, it's a bit of reading then beddy-bye. Tomorrow and a visit to Puntarenas will be coming all too early.


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