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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving At Sea

We cannot deny the many things for which we're grateful, especially on this day.

Throughout the day we were just a bit down-in-the-mouth over the lost luggage, and more importantly, the loss of its content. For the most part, it was our evening wear - stuff to make us look snazzy enough to rub elbows with everyone each evening at our dining table. Also, several of Dan's favorite Hawaiian shirts - all items we've brought along on many previous cruises (even though they seemed to shrink a little more each time we packed them).

So, we are thankful for the many rehearsals we had throughout the day as we shared our our tale of woe with every new person we met. Of course, we then had to hear their stories. But then, that's what makes a vacation memorable - right?

We are thankful for the classy, traditional Thanksgiving dinners we had this evening. They nourished us and prepared us for our most appreciated blessing of the day - the RETURN OF OUR MISSING LUGGAGE. Yep, it arrived as we were prepping for bed this evening.

Thank you, Dear God.


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