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Location: California

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 4: Thursday

Vista Lounge, Golden Princess: 1 year ago last December, about 3:00 one morning, I stole into this showroom, to its control room, to lift a disc from a CD drive. You see, no other location on this ship was playing Hawaiian music, and it was a cruise to Hawaii. I liked what I heard in this room one afternoon, so I wanted to obtain a copy for myself. I took the disc to my stateroom, made a copy of the 92 Hawaiian songs it contained, then slipped back to the Vista and returned the disc to its drive.

Good news and bad news: The bad news is that the computer I'm using during this trip has no CD drive. The good news is that there is no replacement disc in Vista Lounge. The one I used before is still there, playing daily, and I already have all its songs.

Today's thrill: about noon time, we spotted six frigates feeding off the port side. They always amaze me - their lonely, years-long flights at sea.

A similar moment, December 2006, prompted me:
It comes from all directions,
Left and right,
High and low.
The press of laughter, hopes and dreams
To cancel those we know.

That frigate, there, that follows us,
Loops and soars,
Tests the wind.
One morsel at a time enough
To guide the agile wing.

Tomorrow we dock at Hilo about 8 AM. Looking forward to checking out the Farmers Market, near downtown, and a stroll over to Cronies for lunch. Maybe some pictures of something we haven't snapped before.


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