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Sunday, January 08, 2012

200 miles from Hilo

If anyone is wondering what Rosalie and I have been murmuring together about, I'll explain: We told her about a stunt I pulled during TWO cruises onboard Celebrity Summit during 2006. During May of that year, an Alaska cruise, I planted a marker on the ship with our initials. During December, on that same ship for a Hawaii cruise, I went to see if the marker was still in place. I found it, then placed a second one beside it. Danny photographed the second episode. You can see it at THIS SLIDESHOW. (Check out the caption beneath each of the photos.) Anyway, Rosalie was on this ship a few weeks ago. She remembered my stunt and decided to prepare a test for us. She planted a marker of her own, then told us the room to search. We didn't find it.

Last evening and this evening we chalked up TWO fabulous meals. Just figure: from Wednesday until now, we have had 14 meals during this trip. 2 out of 14 ain't too bad, is it?

We have our lunches packed for tomorrow in Hilo. They comprise wrapped sandwiches, some fruit and bottled water from the buffet. Mr. BIG SHOT SLOT TOURNAMENT WINNER figures we'll save money by not having to stop in some eatery while in port, nor will we have to return to the ship when we're hungry. And I had sooo been looking forward to Cronies since our last visit, last May.

Gonna go win my own tournament next time.


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