The alarm happened at 5 AM. It was a drip, drip, dripping sound. From smack dab in the center of our cabin's ceiling. We called for assistance, then rushed to dress before help arrived. The repair would involve a carpenter to open the ceiling and a plumber to find the leak and make his repairs.
Once out of the room, we shuffled through a very early breakfast, muffled through ship wanderings, fluffed our way to second-place in the cruise's first Team Trivia game. We checked at noon and found the repairs still underway. Dan hied himself to the casino to gamble with his credits while I tied myself to a deck chair to gambol with my MP3 player. Finally, shortly past two, the cabin was ready for its tired, sticky and smelly denizens.
Not a routine first day by any means, unless this is a Carnival ship. (Oh, wait! Princess is owned by Carnival. Better watch myself here.)
There's a small correction due one of our new dining companions. Natalie's father is Joe, not Ed, as mentioned yesterday.
While barging about the ship earlier today, I became aware of a place marked on all ship's plans, elevator signs and deck directories. I wondered what activity could take place at a location labeled
'Off Limits', so I determined to find the place. It turned out not to be easily found. By the chart I was carrying, I knew it had to be close, so I began asking ship personnel, "Where's this place called 'Off Limits'?" Each of the several young employees that I approached insisted, "No, Sir. You're mistaken. It's not a place for passengers. 'Off Limits' means that only crew are allowed in the area; it's probably for your safety."
It just didn't gel for me. Signs all over telling me - in this place you will find a lounge, a beauty spa, a sports bar and a place listed as 'Off Limits'.
Then I found it, just as you see in the picture above. One crew member was inside who explained that it's a Teen Activities Center. I asked her where all the teens were and she admitted, "We're not sure of the reason, but it's rare that anyone ever comes around."
Gee. Ya think?